Creating and Editing Character Lists

From phenoscape
Revision as of 17:52, 18 June 2008 by Wasila (talk | contribs) (Annotate the first character)
    • Instructions are in progress**

The following instructions provide details on how to enter annotate phenotypes using the phenoscape-character configuration in Phenote+.

Create and save your character file

Start Phenote+. Make sure that you are using the character configuration of Phenote (to check, go to Settings>Set Configuration, and confirm that ‘phenoscape_character is chosen).

Create and save your file using File>Save, naming the file for the publication (e.g. Smith-2008).

Annotate the first character

The following instructions detail how to enter a phenotype annotation in Phenote+, using this character as an example:

"Character 1. Presence or absence of antorbital: 0, absent; 1, present"

Choose the Annotation Table tab and click the ‘+’ button to add an entry to the character list: the first line will be gray.

Go to: Annotation Editor, go to the Publication field and type the name of the publication (e.g., Smith 2008 and DOI number if available) and hit enter/return.

Now type “1” in the Character Number field and hit enter/return. Likewise, enter “0” in the State Number field.

In the Textual Description field, paste the description of the character that you have copied from the pdf, and hit enter/return.

You are now ready to enter phenotype information for character 1, state 0.

In the Entity field, begin typing antorbital and you will see a drop-down list appear. Complete typing the word or select from the drop-down and hit enter.

Likewise, in the Quality field, enter absent. You have completed the annotation for character 1, state 0.

To annotate the second state for this character, click the Duplicate button and you will see the duplcated row highlighted in grey. Change the State Number of this row to “1” and the Quality to “present”.

You have now completed annotation of character 1.

Add a second character

To annotate a second character, click the “+” button to add a new row. Repeat the steps given above for character annotation.


  • You can enter data directly in the Annotation Table by double or triple clicking on a cell until a blinking cursor appears
  • Remember to periodically save your data (apple-S on a mac, or File>Save)


  • If you are unsure of how to annotate a phenotype, complete all of the steps above except for EQ information. Make a note in the Curator Notes field about the uncertainty in this annotation.
  • If you cannot comlete an annotation because you have requested a new anatomy term, indicate this in the Curator Notes column
    • EC information