Phenoscape data loader

From phenoscape
Revision as of 00:39, 9 January 2009 by Crk18 (talk | contribs)

The Phenoscape Data Loader is being developed as a Perl module. This section offers an overview of the functioning of the Phenoscape Data Loader.

Functioning of the Phenoscape Data Loader

The Phenoscape Data Loader performs the following steps in sequence

Downloads curated NeXML files from the Phenoscape SVN repositories

Ichthyologists curate scientific publications using the Phenex character matrix annotator and these curations are stored in an SVN repository. The data loader downloads these data files on a daily basis for subsequent uploading into the relational database

Loads the requisite ontologies into the database

The annotations of character matrices use terms that are defined in life science ontologies. These ontologies include the Teleost Taxonomy Ontology (TTO), the Relations Ontology, the Teleost Anatomy Ontology (TAO), and the Phenotype and Trait Ontology (PATO). The data loader loads all these definitions into the relational database

Loads the data from the curated NeXML files into the database

The data loader transforms the curated data from NeXML syntax to a set of relational tuples (records), which are then sequentially inserted into the database

Logs incomplete annotations into a log file

The data loader does not load incomplete annotations from the NeXML files into the database. Incomplete annotations contain null values for taxa or phenotype or both. Instead, it logs these incomplete annotations on a file-specific basis in this Problem Log Format. Curators can then work on finishing these annotations which will be subsequently loaded into the database in the next execution of the data loader.

Cartik's notes on the Phenoscape Data Loader

For status updates

OBD API Documentation

For code specific details Specific details of OBD related classes and interfaces as documented by Cartik Kothari. These will be updated very often and are meant to be used as an addendum to the The OBOEdit Javadoc