SingleEntity TreeView

From phenoscape

Map Qualities on Tree

Version 3

Access from Entity Page via tree button


Display Qualities One at a time using a Scroll


Version 2

Access from Entity Page via tree button



Taxonomic Scope

Display qualities using a grid of colored tiles

  • Qualities are displayed with consistent location and color in the grid
  • Desaturated colors are used for qualities of phenotypes that are inferred, rather than annotated
    • Note annotation to Ictaluridae in this and next candidate example
  • The 16 tile designs are intended to support expansion of the list of qualities used in curation - as has already happened.


Display qualities using icons strung along branches

  • Qualities are displayed with consistent icon, color and relative position along branches
  • As above, desaturated colors are used for inferred qualities
  • Additional icons may be added


Version 1

Display qualities using a grid of colored tiles

  • Qualities are displayed with consistent location and color in the grid
  • Desaturated colors are used for qualities of phenotypes that are inferred, rather than annotated
    • Note annotation to Ictaluridae in this and next candidate example
  • The 16 tile designs are intended to support expansion of the list of qualities used in curation - as has already happened.


Display qualities using colored icons strung along branches

  • Qualities are displayed with consistent icon, color and relative position along branches
  • As above, desaturated colors are used for inferred qualities
  • Additional icons may be added


Version 0

Display qualities using text icons adjacent to taxon names

  • user enters any entity term
  • each of the standard upper-level PATO qualities has some icon
  • each node of tree is annotated with icons for which kinds of phenotypes are exhibited by that node
  • so if you just put in "bone", you could get a "shape" icon at a node for any bone shape phenotype (basihyal bone round, vertebra 1 flat, etc.)
