Ontology Request Broker
In the process of annotating data files, curators may encounter terms in the data that have not yet been added to an appropriate ontology. Requesting a new ontology term and adding it to the ontology may take several days or weeks when it involves discussion with other ontology editors and requires a new production release of the ontology. For this reason we have developed the Ontology Request Broker (ORB) for use with Phenex. Using ORB, when an appropriate ontology term cannot be found during annotation, the curator simply requests a new term, providing a suggested label and description, using a special interface within Phenex. A provisional term is immediately created in the Bioportal provisional term database and added to the Phenex session for use by the curator. Independently, this term can be provided with a permanent ID after the ontology editing and release process are complete, and Phenex will automatically replace references to the provisional term with the permanent ID.