Annotation status
From phenoscape
Fish excluding tetrapodomorphs
- Publication count: 16
- Total characters: 1693
- Completed characters: 234
- Partially annotated characters: 81
- Unannotated characters: 1378
- Annotated states: 633
- Total EQ annotations: 696
Amphibians and transitional
- Publication count: 32
- Total characters: 3652
- Completed characters: 550
- Partially annotated characters: 100
- Unannotated characters: 3002
- Annotated states: 1480
- Total EQ annotations: 1896
Sereno Files
- Publication count: 4
- Total characters: 3608
- Completed characters: 95
- Partially annotated characters: 83
- Unannotated characters: 3430
- Annotated states: 372
- Total EQ annotations: 425
Fish excluding tetrapodomorphs
- Publication count: 16
- Total characters: 1693
- Completed characters: 221
- Partially annotated characters: 79
- Unannotated characters: 1393
- Annotated states: 599
- Total EQ annotations: 661
Amphibians and transitional
- Publication count: 28
- Total characters: 3238
- Completed characters: 496
- Partially annotated characters: 96
- Unannotated characters: 2646
- Annotated states: 1332
- Total EQ annotations: 1693
Sereno Files
- Publication count: 4
- Total characters: 3608
- Completed characters: 73
- Partially annotated characters: 70
- Unannotated characters: 3465
- Annotated states: 298
- Total EQ annotations: 334