Teleost Taxonomy Ontology
From phenoscape
This is an ontology of taxonomic terms (names of taxonomic groups) used in the systematics of fish, including non-teleost groups such as Chondrichtyes (sharks and rays), Sarcopterygia (lungfish and coelacanths), lampreys, and hagfish. It contains (as of August 2010) over 36,000 names and over 43,000 taxonomic synonyms. A majority of the taxonomic names and synonyms were made available from the Catalog of Fishes. Additional names and synonyms are added as a result of our curation activities.
The current release may be found here.
Ictaluridae --------------------> TaxRank:Family ^ has_rank | is_a | | Ictalurus --------------------> TaxRank:Genus ^ has_rank | is_a | | Ictalurus punctatus ------------------> TaxRank:Species has_rank